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Discover the top 2% of pre-vetted engineers seeking fast-growing projects, at a third the cost of Silicon Valley
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Join 100+ companies who trust Nodogoro for their remote engineers

We’ve built dozens of YC companies,
won hackathons,
and carry PhDs
We're not your typical developers.
We're deeply passionate researchers and technical founders who are masters in our craft. A rigorous vetting process & care for intellectual curiosity makes Nodogoro engineers a class of their own.
Expert in Modern Development
Senior engineers at a third the cost
Find the top 2% of pre-vetted engineers across the planet
Perfect skill match
Hire the best in React, Node, Python, Data Science, React Native, Flutter, ML, and more
No minimum commitment
Rapidly scale up or down your workforce with talent you can trust

Deeply vetted by AI & humans
Rigorously Tested
Evaluated across both theoretical and applied coding knowledge through a combination of technical tests and real world projects

Top Communication & Self-Discipline
Well-rounded thinkers who are familiar with startups and have a track record of taking initiative
High Skill, CS Degrees only
Guaranteed strong knowledge in computer science fundamentals & problem solving
Built from the ground up for the modern engineering team
Nodogoro Hiring Terminal
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1:1 CTO Consulting
Learn best practices & scope out your project.

International Payroll & Benefits Management
Also included is remote office space for your team members, with fast internet, breakout rooms, and regular training.
Build your dream team